J.-Y.Beziau, “Ex Incompatibilitate Sequitur Quodlibet (The Explosiveness of Incompatibility and the Compatibility of Negation)”, in T.Madigan and J.-Y.Beziau (eds), Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth - Essays in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021), Birkhäuser, Cham, to appear.
N.C.A. da Costa and J.-Y.Beziau, “Is God Paraconsistent?” in Beyond Faith and Rationality Essays on Logic, Religion and Philosophy, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020, pp.321-333
J.-Y.Beziau, "Cats that are not cats", in Dov Gabbay, Lorenzo Magnani, Woosuk Park, and Ahti Veikko Pietarinen (eds), Natural Arguments - A Tribute to John Woods, College Publications, London, 2019, pp.49-71.
J.-Y.Beziau “Is the Principle of Contradiction a Consequence of x2=x ?”, Logica Universalis, vol.12 (2018), pp.55-81.
J.-Y.Beziau, “Is modern logic non-Aristotelian?”, in V.Markin and D.Zaitsev (eds), The Logical Legacy of Nikolai Vasiliev and Modern Logic, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp.19-41.
A.Avron and J.-Y.Béziau, “Self-extensional three-valued paraconsistent logics have no implication”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, Advance Access, December 2016.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Two Genuine 3-Valued Paraconsistent Logics ”, in S.Akama (ed) Towards Paraconsistent Engineering , Springer, Heidelberg, 2016, pp.35-47
J.-Y.Béziau, “ Hartley Slater and False Contradictions”, South American Journal of Logic, Volume 2, 2016, pp.101-107.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Round squares are no contradictions”, in New Directions in Paraconsistent Logic, Springer, New Delhi, 2015, pp.39-55.
J.-Y.Béziau and A.Franceschetto, “Strong three-valued paraconsistent logics”, in New Directions in Paraconsistent Logic, Springer, New Delhi, 2016, pp.131-145.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Is modern logic non-Aristotelian?”, to appear in D.Zaitsev (ed), Nikolai Vasiliev's Logical Legacy and Modern Logic, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Trivial dialetheism and the logic of paradox”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2015.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Paraconsistent logic and contradictory viewpoints”, to appear in Revista Brasileira de Filosofia, 242 (2015).
J.-Y.Béziau, “The new rising of the square of opposition”, in J.-Y.Béziau and D.Jacquette (eds), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2012, pp.6-24.
J.-Y.Béziau, “History of truth-values", in D.M.Gabbay and J.Woods (eds) Handbook of the History of Logic , Vol. 11 - Logic: a history of its central concepts, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, pp.233-305.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Paralogics and the theory of valuation”, Universal Logic: An Anthology - From Paul Hertz to Dov Gabbay, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2012, pp.361-372.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Review Essay of Constructive Negation and Paraconsistency by Sergei Odintsov”, Studia Logica, 100 (2012), pp.653-657.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Bivalent semantics for De Morgan logic (the uselessness of four-valuedness)", in W.A.Carnielli, M.E.Coniglio, I.M.L.D'Ottaviano (eds), The many sides of logic, College Publication, London, 2009, pp.391-402.
J.-Y.Béziau, W.A.Carnielli and D.M.Gabbay, Preface to Handbook of Paraconsistency, College Publication, London, 2007, pp.ix-xi.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Adventures in the paraconsistent jungle”, in Handbook of Paraconsistency, College Publication, London, 2007, pp.63-80.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Paraconsistent logic!”, Sorites, 17 (2006), pp.17-26.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The paraconsistent logic Z - A possible solution to Jaskowski's problem”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 15 (2006), pp.99-111
J.-Y.Béziau, “Paraconsistent logic from a modal viewpoint”, Journal of Applied Logic, 3 (2005), pp.7-14.
N.C.A. da Costa, J.-Y.Béziau & O.A.S.Bueno, “On the Usefulness of Paraconsistent Logic” in D.Vanderveken (ed), Logic, Thought and Action, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005, pp.465-478
J.-Y.Béziau, “Non truth-functional many-valued semantics”, in Aspects of Universal Logic, J.-Y.Béziau, A.Costa-Leite and A.Facchini (eds), Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, 2004, pp.199-218
J.-Y.Béziau, “Bivalence, exluded middle and non contradiction’, in The Logica Yearbook 2003, L.Behounek (ed), Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2003, pp.73-84.
J.-Y.Béziau, “New light on the square of oppositions and its nameless corner”, Logical Investigations, 10, (2003), pp.218-232.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Are paraconsistent negations negations ? ”, in Paraconsistency: the logical way to the inconsistent, W.Carnielli et al. (eds), Marcel Dekker, New-York, 2002, pp.465-486.
J.-Y.Béziau, “S5 is a paraconsistent logic and so is first-order classical logic”, Logical Investigations, 9, (2002), pp.301-309.
J.-Y.Béziau, “From paraconsistent to universal logic”, Sorites, 12 (2001), pp.5-32.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The logic of confusion”, in Proceedings of the International Conference of Artificial Intelligence IC-AI’2002, H.R.Arabnia (ed), CSREA Press, Las Vegas, 2001, pp.821-826.
J.-Y.Béziau, “What is paraconsistent logic?”, in Frontiers of paraconsistent logic, D.Batens et al. (eds), Research Studies Press, Baldock, 2000, pp.95-111.
N.C.A. da Costa & J.-Y.Béziau, “La logique paraconsistante”, in La preuve à la lumière de l’intelligence artificielle, J.Sallantin & J.J.Szczeciniarz (eds), Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1999, pp.107-115.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Newton da Costa, filosofo da contradição”, in Pensamento Original Made in Brazil, A.C.Secchin, R.A.Dantas and A. Alonso (eds), Oficina do Autor, Rio de Janeiro, 1999.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The future of paraconsistent logic”, Logical Studies, 2 (1999), pp.1-28.
N.C.A. da Costa & J.-Y.Béziau, “Définitions, théories des objets et paraconsistance”, Theoria, 32 (1998), pp.367-379.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Idempotent full paraconsistent negations are not algebraizable”, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 39 (1998), pp.135-139.
J.-Y.Béziau, “De Morgan lattices, paraconsistency and the excluded middle”, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 18 (1998), pp.169-172.
N.C.A. da Costa & J.-Y.Béziau, “Overclassical logic”, Logique et Analyse, 157 (1997), pp.31-44.
J.-Y.Béziau, “La logique paraconsistante”, in N.C.A. da Costa, Logiques classiques et non classiques, Masson, Paris, 1997, pp.237-255.
J.-Y.Béziau, Preface to N.C.A. da Costa, Logiques classiques et non classiques, Masson, Paris, 1997, pp.7-10.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Logic may be simple”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 5 (1997), pp.129-147.
N.C.A. da Costa & J.-Y.Béziau, “Théorie paraconsistante des ensembles”, Logique et Analyse, 153-154 (1996), pp.51-67.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Negation : what it is and what it is not”, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 15 (1995), pp.37-43.
N.C.A. da Costa, J.-Y.Béziau & O.A.S.Bueno, “Aspects of paraconsistent logic”, Bulletin of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics, 4 (1995), pp.597-614.
N.C.A. da Costa, J.-Y.Béziau & O.A.S.Bueno, “Paraconsistent logic in a historical perspective”, Logique et Analyse, 150-152 (1995), pp.111-125.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Théorie législative de la négation pure”, Logique et Analyse, 147-148 (1994), pp.209-225.
J.-Y.Béziau, “La logique abstraite au sein de la mathématique moderne”, Ruch Filozoficzny, 50 (1993), pp.289-293.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Nouveaux résultats et nouveau regard sur la logique paraconsistante C1”, Logique et Analyse, 141-142 (1993), pp.45-58.
N.C.A. da Costa & J.-Y.Béziau, “Carnot’s logic”, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 22 (1993), pp.98-105.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Logiques construites suivant les méthodes de da Costa”, Logique et Analyse, 131-132 (1990), pp.259-272.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Calcul des séquents pour logique non-alèthique”, Logique et Analyse, 125-126 (1989), pp.143-155.