J.-Y.Beziau, “ Is Logic Exceptional?”, in J.-Y.Beziau, J.-P-Desclés, A.Mokteki and A.Pascu (eds), Logic in Question - Talks from the Annual Sorbonne Logic Workshop (2011- 2019), Birkhäuser, Cham, 2022, pp.261-279
J.-Y.Beziau, “Is there an axiom for everything?” in O.Passon and C.Benzmüller (eds), Wider den Reduktionismus -- Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019, Springer Spektrum, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2021, pp.103-117, pp.103-117.
J.-Y.Beziau, “Are Dogs Logical Animals ?” in M.Trepczynski (ed), Philosophical Approaches to the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics, Brill, Leiden, 2021, pp.299-306.
J.-Y.Beziau, “The Mystery of the Fifth Logical Notion (Alice in the Wonderful Land of Logical Notions)” Studia Humana, Volume 9:3/4 (2020), pp. 19—36.
J.-Y.Beziau, "The Lvov-Warsaw School: A True Mythology", in Ángel Garrido and Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska (eds), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present, Springer International Publishing, Basel, 2018, pp.779-815.
J.-Y.Beziau “Is the Principle of Contradiction a Consequence of x2=x ?”, Logica Universalis, vol.12 (2018), pp.55-81.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The relativity and universality of logic”, Synthese - Special Issue Istvan Németi 70th Birthday, March 2014.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Three Sisters : Philosophy, Mathematics and Logic”, in N.Nabais and O.Pombo (ed), O lugar da Filosofia da Ciência na nova Universidade de Lisboa. University of Lisbon, 2013, pp.271-291.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Les modèles selon Alain Badiou”, Al Mukhatabat, 1/3 (2012)., pp.251-305.
J.-Y.Béziau, “History of truth-values", in D.M.Gabbay and J.Woods (eds) Handbook of the History of Logic , Vol. 11 - Logic: a history of its central concepts, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, pp.233-305.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Rougier: Logique et Métaphyisque”, in P.Zordan (ed) Proceedings of the 4th World Confrence on Metaphysics, Dykinson, 2011, pp.464-472.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Badiou et les modèles”, in I.Vodoz et F.Tarby (eds), Autour d'Alain Badiou, Germina, Paris, 2011.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Logic is not logic”, Abstracta 6 (2010), pp.73-102.
J.-Y.Béziau, “What is a possible world ?", in G.Imaguire and D.Jacquette (eds), Possible worlds, Philosophia Verlag, Munich, 2010, pp.55-69.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Truth as a mathematical object", Principia 14 (2010), pp.31–46.
J.-Y.Béziau and M.V.Kritz, “Théorie et Modèle I: Point de vue général et abstrait”, Cadernos UFS de Filosofia, 6 (2010), pp.9-17.
J.-Y.Béziau, Preface to Logica Universalis Special Issue Is Logic Universal ?, Logica Universalis, 4 (2010), pp.161-162.
J.-Y.Béziau, “What is "formal logic" ?”, in Myung-Hyun-Lee (ed), Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, vol.13, Korean Philosophical Association, Seoul, 2008, pp.9-22.
J.-Y.Béziau, Review Essay of From Peirce to Skolem A neglected chapter in the history of logic by G.Brady, The Review of Modern Logic, 11 (2007), pp.155-161.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Many-valued and Kripke semantics”, in J. van Benthem et al. (eds), The Age of Alternative Logics, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006, pp.89-101.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Transitivity and paradoxes”, in J.Skilters (ed), The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, University of Riga, Riga, 2006, pp.207-211.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Les axiomes de Tarski”, in R.Pouivet and M.Rebuschi (eds), La philosophie en Pologne 1918-1939, Vrin, Paris, 2006, pp.135-149.
J.-Y.Béziau, Review Essay of The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870-1940 (Logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor through Russell to Gödel) by I. Grattan-Guiness, The Review of Modern Logic, 10 (2005), pp.135-138.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Le Château de la Quantification et ses Fantômes Démasqués”, in La quantification dans la logique moderne, P.Joray (ed), L'harmattan, Paris, 2005, pp.211-260.
J.-Y.Béziau, “La théorie des ensembles et la théorie des catégories: présentation de deux soeurs ennemies du point de vue de leurs relations avec les fondements des mathématiques”, Boletín de la Asociación Matemática Venezolana, 9 (2002), pp.45-53.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The philosophical import of Polish logic”, in Methodology and philosophy of science at Warsaw University, M.Talasiewicz (ed.), Semper, Warsaw, 2002 pp.109-124.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Review Essay of Van Heijenoort - Logic and its History in the Work and Writings of Jean van Heijenoort by I.H.Anellis”, Modern Logic, 8 (2000), pp.105-117.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Y a-t-il des principes logiques?”, in Princípios Seu papel na filosofia e nas ciências, L.H.Dutra and C.A.Mortari (eds), NEL, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2000, pp.47-54.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Was Frege wrong when identifying reference with truth-value ?”, Sorites, 11 (1999), pp.15-23.
J.-Y.Béziau, “The mathematical structure of logical syntax” in Advances in contemporary logic and computer science, W.A.Carnielli and I.M.L.D’Ottaviano (eds), American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1999, pp.1-17.
J.-Y.Béziau, “A logical analysis of singular terms”, Sorites, 10 (1999), pp.6-14.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Newton da Costa, filosofo da contradição”, in Pensamento Original Made in Brazil, A.C.Secchin, R.A.Dantas and A. Alonso (eds), Oficina do Autor, Rio de Janeiro, 1999.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Ruth Barcan Marcus est-elle la mère du fils de Wittgenstein ? (Considérations existentialistes sur la formule de Barcan) ”, Manuscrito, 22 (1999), pp.11-27.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Logic may be simple”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 5 (1997), pp.129-147.
N.C.A. da Costa, J.-Y.Béziau & O.A.S.Bueno, “Paraconsistent logic in a historical perspective”, Logique et Analyse, 150-152 (1995), pp.111-125.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Du Pont’s paradox and the problem of intensional logic”, in Logica’93 - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium, P.Kolar & V.Svodoba (eds), Prague, 1994, pp.62-65.
J.-Y.Béziau, “De la logique formelle à la logique abstraite”, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 14 (1994), pp.41-50.
J.-Y.Béziau, “La logique abstraite au sein de la mathématique moderne”, Ruch Filozoficzny, 50 (1993), pp.289-293.
J.-Y.Béziau, “Nouveaux résultats et nouveau regard sur la logique paraconsistante C1”, Logique et Analyse, 141-142 (1993), pp.45-58.
J.-Y.Béziau, “La critique Schopenhauerienne de l’usage de la logique en mathématiques”, O Que Nos Faz Pensar, 7 (1993), pp.81-88.
J.-Y.Béziau, “On the formalization of the principium rationis sufficientis”, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 22 (1993), pp.2-3.
J.-Y.Béziau, “O princípio de razão suficiente e a lógica segundo Arthur Schopenhauer”, in Século XIX : O Nascimento da Ciência Contemporânea, F.R.R.Évora (ed), Cle-Unicamp, Campinas, 1992, pp.35-39.