In construction - trying to remember all the lectures I have given
University of Geneva - Dept of Philosophy
November 21, 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
Cave to Cave - On the various interpreations of Plato's cave
Bogaziçi University - Dept of Philosophy
November 18 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Dice: a hazardous symbol for chance?
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University - Dept of Mathematics
November 17, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Universal logic - A General Framework to Unify the Diversity of Logical Systems
University of Istanbul - Dept of Philosophy
November 15, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Exempli Grata Fallacies
Istinye University - Dept of Philosophy
November 14, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Possinility, Imagination and Conception
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Department of Computer Science
November 1st, 2022, Mumbai, India
Logic is not logic
November 18, 2021, Brazilian Logic Society Webinar
The 5th Logical Notion - Solutions to the Enigma
October 20, 2021, Philosophy Monthly Webinar,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What is Love?
April 14, 2021, Logica Universalis Webinar
The 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
November 26, 2020, Brazilian Logic Society Webinar
The Mystery of the Fifth Logical Notion
(Alice in the Wonderful Land of Logical Notions)
November 29, 2019, Academia Sinica, Computer Sience, Taipei, Taiwan
Is the principle of contradiction a consequence of x = xx?
November 29, 2019, Academia Sinica, Philosophy, Taipei, Taiwan
Logic, reasoning, and intelligence
November 28, 2019, Yuan Ze Univesity, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Language, thought, meaning, symbol and reality
August 21, 2019, Logic in the Airplane, Brasilia, Brazil
The Many Faces of the Empty Set
May 29, 2019, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dice: a hazardous symbol for chance?
April 30, 2019, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Dice: a hazardous symbol for chance?
March 28, 2019, Carioca Logic Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Face to Face to the Empty Set
November 14, 2018, Carioca Logic Seminar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
MANY 1 - A Transversal Imaginative Journey across the Realm of Mathematics
October 30, 2018, Department of Philosophy, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Universal Logic, a general framework to unify the diversity of logical systems
September 20, 2018, Department of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
New Research on the Square of Opposition
May 18, 2018, Department of Philosophy, Oslo University, Norway
MANY 1 - A Transversal Imaginative Journey across the Realm of Mathematics
Séminaire d'Épistémologie et d'Histoire des Idées Mathématiques de l'IREM, Université Paris-Diderot
May 16, 2018, Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris France
Is the principle of contradiction a consequence of xx = x?
Departement of Philosophy, Federal University of Ceara - UFC
April 5, 2018, Fortaleza, Brazil
Possibility, Imagination and Conception
Departement of Computation, Federal University of Ceara -UFC
April 4, 2018, Fortaleza, Brazil
Dice: a hazardous symbol for chance?
Maison de la Recherche, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Februray 23, 2018, Paris, France
Possibility, Imagination and Conception
Académie du Vernet
December 27, 2017, Vichy France
La Logique Colorée des Emotions
University of Luxembourg
December 18, 2017, Luxembourg
Is the Principle of Contradiction a consequence of xx = x ?
University of Liège
December 15, 2017, Liège, Belgium
Possibilité, Imagination et Conception
Catholic University of Leuven
December 14, 2017, Leuven, Belgium
The Pyramid of Meaning
University of Hagen
December 8, 2017, Hagen, Germany
The Hexagon of Opposition
Goethe University
December 5, 2017, Fankfurt, Germany
Possibility, Imagination and Conceptualization
University of Lisbon
November 17, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
What is a substructural logic ?
University of Neuchâtel
November 14, 2017, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Possibilité, Imagination et Conception
LIMOS-CNRS / Université de Clermont-Ferraand
October 26, 2017, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Universal Logic, A New Perspcetive for Logical Research
International Academy of Philosophy
January 31st, 2017, Principality of Liechtenstein
Colours and Emotions
Ecole Normale Supérieure - ULM
December 16, 2016, Paris, France
Multiple 1 - Un Voyage Imaginatif à travers le Royaume des Mathématiques
University of Concepción - Dept of Mathematics
November 18, 2016, Concepción, Chile
Many 1 - A Transversal Imaginative Journey across the Realm of Mathematics
University of Lisbon, IST, Dept of Mathematics
September 9, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
Monosequent Systems of Sequents
University of St Petersburg - Dept of Logic
June 20, 2016, St Petersburg, Russia
Possibility, Imagination and Conception
Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
January 7, 2016, Jerusalem, Israel
Is Thought Computable?
University of Tel Aviv - Dpt of Philosophy
December 24, 2015, Tel Aviv, Israel
Introduction to Paraconsistent Logic II
University of Tel Aviv - Dpt of Philosophy
December 24, 2015, Tel Aviv, Israel
Introduction to Paraconsistent Logic I
University of Tel Aviv - School of Computer Science
December 17, 2015, Tel Aviv, Israel
General Formulations of Lindenbaum Maximalization Theorem and Their Applications to a Huge Variety of Logical Systems
University of San Jose - Dept of Cognitive Science
November 13, 2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
Paraconsistency, Contradiction and the Square of Opposition
University of San Jose - Dept of Cognitive Science
November 12 2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
The Semiotic Hexagon of Opposition
University of San Jose - Dept of Cognitive Science
November 11, 2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
Identity and the Square of Opposition
University of San Jose - Dept of Cognitive Science
November 10, 2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
From Dichotomy to the Hexagon of Opposition
University of San Jose - Dept of Cognitive Science
November 9, 2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
The Square of Opposition in Historical Perspective
University of California, Irivine, Dept of Logic and Philosophy of Science
October 23, 2015, Irvine, California, USA
Logic - Past, Present and Future
University of California, Los Angeles, Dept of Mathematics
October 9, 2015, Los Angeles, California, USA
Lindenbaum Maximalization Theorem
Santa Fe Institute
October 1, 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Squaring Complexity
University of Lisbon, IST, Dept of Mathematics
May 29, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Logic - Past, Present and Future
University of California, San Diego, Dept of Philosophy
May 18, 2015, San Diego, California, USA
Introduction to Paraconsistent Logic II
University of California, San Diego, Dept of Philosophy
May 14, 2015, San Diego, California, USA
Introduction to Paraconsistent Logic I
University of Miami - Dept of Philosophy
April 29, 2015, Miami, Florida, USA
Possibility, Imagination and Conception
Columbia University - Dept of Philosophy
April 24, 2015, New York, New York, USA
Round Square are No Contradictions
City University of New York - Computational Logic Seminar
April 21, 2015, New York, New York, USA
A General Completeness Theorem relating Sequents and Bivaluations
University of Yale - Dept of Linguistics
April 13, 2015, Yale, Connecticut, USA
The Semiotic Hexagon
University of Brasilia - Dept of Philosophy
March 17, 2015, Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Um Círculo Quadrado não é uma Contradição
University of California, San Diego, Dept of Philosophy
March 12, 2015, San Diego, California, USA
The Relativity and Universality of Logic
University of California, Davis, Dept of Philosophy
February 6, 2015, Davis, California, USA
Round Square are No Contradictions
Ecole des Hautes Etdues en Sciences Sociales
November 13, 2014, Paris, France
La Pointure du Symbole
University of Rio Grande do Norte, Dept of Philosophy
November 6, 2014, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Round Square are No Contradictions
National Technical University of Athens, Dept of Computation
August 6, 2014, Athens, Greece
Universal Logic
Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR)
June 11, 2014, Bucarest, Romania
Paraconsistent Logic, the Square of Opposition and Universal Logic
Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago, Dept of Philosophy
April 23, 2014, Santiago, Chile
Paraconsistency, Universal Logic and the Square of Opposition
University of Valparaiso, Dept of Philosophy
April 18, 2014, Valparaisoo, Chile
Square of Opposition - Past, Present and Future
University of Brazil - Dept of Philosophy
November 25 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Towards an Encyclopedia of Logic
University of Athens - Dept of Logic and Philosophy of Science
August 12 2013, Athens, Greece
Universal Logic, A New Perspcetive for Logical Research
IST, University of Lisbon - Dept of Mathemtaics
March 8 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Non Truth-Functional Semantics
University of Aveiro - Dept of Mathemtaics
February 27 2013, Aveiro, Portugal
Universal Logic, A New Perspcetive for Logical Research
University of Salamanca - Dept of Philosophy
February 23 2013, Salamanca, Spain
Is Logic Universal?
Pontifical Lateran University - Dept of Philosophy
February 20 2013, Vatican
Square of Opposition - Past, Present and Future
University of Lisbon - Dept of Philosophy of Sciences
January 31 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Paraconsistent Logic, the Square of Opposition and Universal Logic
University of Bremen - Dept of Computation
July 11, 2012, Breman, Germany
Universal Logic, A New Perspcetive for Logical Research
University of Istanbul - Dept of Philosophy
July 3, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Imagination, Conception and Possibility
Ecole Normale Supérieur de Lyon - Dept of Philosophy
April 25, 2012, Lyon, France
Imagination, Conception and Possibility
University of Miami - Dept of Philosophy
May 15, 2012, Miami, Florida, USA
Imagination, Conception and Possibility
University of Tunis - Dept of Philosophy
February 25, 2012, Tunis, Tunisia
Théories et Modèles
University of Tunis - Dept of Philosophy
February 24, 2012, Tunis, Tunisia
Le Carré et l'Hexagone des Oppositions
American University of Beirut - Dept of Philosophy and Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences
February 15, 2012, Beirut, Lebanon
New Perspectives on the Square of Opposition
University of Regensburg - Dpt of Philosophy
February 07, 2012, Regensburg, Germany
The Power of the Hexagon
University of Leipzig - Dpt of Philosophy
February 3, 2012, Leipzig, Germany
The Power of the Hexagon
University of Poznan - Dpt of Philosophy
February 1st, 2012, Poznan, Poland
The Power of the Hexagon
Humboldt University of Berlin - Dpt of Philosophy
January 30, 2012, Berlin, Germany
Universal Logic: a New Perspective for Logical Research
University of Bremen - Dpt of Computer Science
January 27, 2012, Bremen, Germany
The Power of the Hexagon
University of Bochum - Dpt of Philosophy
January 25, 2012, Munich, Germany
Truth-Values: Past, Present and Future
University of Luxemburg - Dpt of Computer Science
January 23, 2012, Luxemburg
The Power of the Hexagon
Goethe University of Frankfurt - Dpt of Philosophy
January 17, 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Imagination, Conception and Possibility
Technical University of Munich - TMU - Dpt of Mathematics and Computer Science
January 10, 2012, Munich, Germany
Universal Logic: a New Perspective for Logical Research
Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB - Dpt of Philosophy
December 22, Brussels, Belgium
La Logique Paraconsistante de A à Z
Free University of Brussels - VUB - Dpt of Philosophy
December 20, Brussels, Belgium
Universal Logic: a New Perspective for Logical Research
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich- LMU - Dpt of Philosophy
December 15, 2011, Munich, Germany
The Power of the Hexagon
University Lyon III - Jean Moulin- LMU - Dpt of Philosophy
October 18, 2011, Lyon, France
L'arbitraire du signe face à la puissance du symbole
Technical Institute - IST - Dept of Mathematics
November 5, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
Theory of pure negation
University - Dept of Linguistics
October 28, 2010, Brussels, Belgium
Arbitrary signs vs powerful symbols
(From Saussure to not so sure)
University of Namur - Dept of Philosophy and Science
October 28, 2010, Brussels, Belgium
Universal logic
Free University of Brussels VUB - Dept of Philosophy
October 27, 2010, Brussels, Belgium
Logic, reasoning and reality
University of Laval - Dept of Philosophy
March, 2010, Québec City, Canada
Les Philosophes Vivants - USA vs France
University of Montreal - Dept of Philosophy
March 31, 2010, Montreal, Canada
Axiomatic Emptiness
University of Calgary - Dept of Philosophy
March 23, 2010, Calgary, Canada
Imagination and Conceivability and Possibility
Simon Fraser University - SFU - Dept of Philosophy
March, 2010, Vancouver, Canada
Paraconsistent logic
University of British Columbia - UBC - Dept of Philosophy
March 16, 2010, Vancouver, Canada
Logic, logic and logics
University Pasquale Paoli - Dept of Computer Sciences
October, 2009, Corté, Cosrica
Square of Opposition
University of Saint Petersburg - Dpt of Logic
June 22, 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The Square of Opposition, its various interpretations and applications
ENS Ulm - Dept of Philosophy
June 15, 2009, Paris, France
Logique, la dernière idole?
Technical Institute - IST - Dpt of Mathematics
June 12, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
Many-valued modal logics
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC- Dpt of Philosophy
May 15, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Many-valued modal logics
Federal Fluminense University - UFF - Dpt of Mathematics
May 14, 2009, Niteroi, Brazil
What is a quantifier ?
Federal University of Ceara - UFC - Dpt of Computer Science
May 14, 2009, Fortaleza, Brazil
What is modal logic ?
Federal University of Ceara - UFC - Dpt of Philosophy
April 17 2009, Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil
Symbolic thinking
Bank of Northeast - Philosophical Seminar
April 1st 2009, Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil
Can we imagine the impossible?
University of Bern - Dept of Philosophy
March 12, 2009, Bern, Switzerland
Imagination, Possibility and Reality
Federal University of Ceara - UFC - Dept of Computer Science
October 16, 2009, Fortaleza, Brazil
Universal logic: a new perspective for logical research
Technical Institute - IST - Dept of Mathematics
September 12, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal
Universal logic: a new perspective for logical research
City University of New York - CUNY - Graduate Center
April 14, 2008, New York, USA
Universal logic: towards a general theory of logics
University of Buffalo - Department of Philosophy
April 10, 2008, Buffalo, USA
Universal logic and modern logic
Indian Institute of Technology - Department of Philosophy
February 12, 2008, Mumbai, India
Universal logic and modern logic
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Department of Computer Science
February 8, 2008, Mumbai, India
Universal logic and the foundations of science
Indian Institute of Technology - Department of Computer Science
February 7, 2008, Mumbai, India
Universal logic: towards a general theory of logics
Institute of Mathematical Research
January 31, 2008, Chennai, India
Universal logic: towards a general theory of logics
2007 and Before
Coming soon !